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I just saw this and wanted to say I'm so happy you finished this project, SCC was my main childhood memory and to see it remastered and to be able to play it again is incredible. Thank you for all the work you and everyone else did to make this a reality. Gettin the booze and snacks out for a late night playing this.

Hi is anyone know why even though I have the worker drone parts equipped why the Architect says I don't have them equipped? Currently equipped: 8

(1 edit) (+1)

What do they say precisely?

And done! It was a great way to finish that game from many years ago. Thank you for having created a modern version and even added an ending!

Hey there - is there a cheat or something to skip a mission? I think my save bugged out at the 'Fateful Intermission', as not only Aristu is still with me after heading to the Jump Sector but I cannot advance the mission no matter what I do. Also, when I reload the game it keeps saying 'Task Completed'.

A command or something to skip this bit would be really neat.


You might need to speak with Sukrat (they should be by the jump sector), otherwise press F3, type in "stuff is broken", open the status menu missions section and shift click the mission's name.

Much appreciated! But I found the reason - somehow I had two installs on my computer, one was 2.4.5 or so and then the newer 0.0.0 version... I removed the former and began a new run on the latter.

I have no idea how things ended up so mixed up, but in case things get bugged out again I will use your solution. Much appreciated!

Deleted 259 days ago
Deleted 259 days ago
Deleted 1 year ago

And Sector borders should be different than ground btw. It would be a great fix too.


When I start the game nothing happens, I only get a blue/purple-ish screen... only key that do something is E, which opens a map... what am I doing wrong?  

Are you playing using the launcher? If not, you should try that.

If you are attempting to directly download the zip, make sure you extract it fully instead of executing the game from within the zip.

I unzipped it correctly, the game start but when I start a game it freezes, I think I'm not doing something correctly :/

Would definitely be easier to troubleshoot if you join the discord and make a post about this.

(8 edits) (+1)

LAST EDIT: 4/23/24, RELEASE 0.0.0

I just wanted to leave my review here after finishing my latest playthrough.

Great game, I love what you're doing with my beloved childhood Flash game, and the added challenge really makes people think what strategy they can use for their next objective. The story, the friends along the way, the extra customization!

Maybe it's just my skill issue, but the latter parts of Chapter 3 (involving some Defected-filled Battlezones) are very unreasonable to say the least! You're gonna need a well balanced ship that can attack both air and ground(especially ground, Lasers won't work) from a good distance, or else the Ground base's Ion weapons will shred you to bits and turn the battle into an impasse.

The other Battlezone's even worse, with Cores too big to defend against!

There's also several optional areas from the last Beta version missing(One of which was teased in dialogue, and shown later in Episode 3!!!), which I found really cool, and I'm sad they got removed.

If you're utterly bored, having trouble choosing your next indie game to play as a content creator, or you just clicked on this out of morbid curiosity, I welcome you (back) to ShellCore Command.


part count has a limit. cant play past a certin point with only five guns allowed. i give up,its a lost game if it gonna be like this.


You can upgrade your weapon limit at the Core Upgrader, or use the cheat "no limits" after pressing F3 if you want to circumvent the part limit.

(1 edit)

Can't install via the Itch app.

Hey, in all honesty I didn't even know the Itch app was a thing. It should be working now though. The community mainly resides in the Discord channel.

Nice! Though I'm not really sure what the Discord bit has to do with anything.

It's generally where I take suggestions/bug reports, that's all.

love it!


This is a blast from the past! Will this ever go to mobile? Want to play this on android


Awesome work on this so far!!! There's a couple bugs in regards to mission chains (the one of which that's in regards to crystal farming doesn't seem to be fixable by restarting), ally respawn (easily fixed by restarting or reassigning, though still a bit obnoxious), and the Sell feature in Yards (doesn't seem to work at all, for some reason, though being able to sell at Traders anyways seems to make that much irrelevant), but all in all, amazing work. Seriously. You have made for an amazing nostalgia trip that is well worth passing along to others.